Environment Protection Agency Sierra Leone


The #EPATransformationStrategy was reviewed and accepted by key actors and stakeholders today. I am proud that we have reached this milestone within 2.5 months of my appointment as Head of the Agency - thanks to the talented and committed EPA team, the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change (MECC), our partners across the country, and all those who provided feedback and suggestions to help us shape our ambitious strategy. H.E. President Bio's administration is deeply committed to protecting human health and the environment for all Sierra Leoneans. I believe this strategy will serve as the foundation to achieve the government's priorities for the environment and climate change, and the vitally important mission of the Agency. We have carefully outlined what we intend to achieve over the next 7 years, as an environmental regulator, as the main source of trusted scientific evidence and knowledge, and as a critical voice for the environment, through our leadership and advocacy, and our interest in working with others to deliver better environmental outcomes. I know it will be challenging to address all the issues raised, but this is a transformational opportunity, and we are prepared to meet the moment. I have great confidence that we will deliver this ambitious plan together. Happy holidays everyone. See you all in January!


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