Two communities get water tanks


Thanks to Catholic Relief Services for the donation of 4 water tanks to Freetown City Council for the benefit of residents living in the Cocklebay and Kolleh Town communities. We have together been working on the “Transforming Lives” informal settlement upgrade intervention in these two communities. We have already had extensive community engagement, conducted geotechnical studies of the land in the communities and co-designed appropriate housing models with residents. 

The next phase of “Transforming Lives” is working with community residents on developing Area Action Plans (localized plans) which if implemented will significantly improve access to services and living conditions in these communities. In the meantime, these 4 water tanks (two for each community) will alleviate some of the water access challenges currently faced by Cocklebay and Kolleh Town communities, particularly benefiting women and girls. 

The Deputy Mayor Kweku Lisk, Cllrs Ojumiri, Yansaneh and Kabba, and FCC Administrative staff were at the handing over event on Thursday with #CRS Country Director Jeanne Ella Andriananmbinima and her team. Community stakeholders from Kolleh Town joined us at Cocklebay to symbolically receive their community tanks as the brief event was held in Cocklebay. Water management committees are being established in both communities to ensure sustainability. 





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