Environmental friendliness

Sierra Palms Hotel, Lumley Beach, Wednesday 31st January 2024- Today, we usher in a more positive, environmentally responsible future for Sierra Leone. This was made possible through the selfless and diligent work of our sector's staff, development, and boundary partners. We analyzed and captured pillars with the scientific integrity required to achieve long-term goals established by national and international standards, as evidenced by active engagement and integration of important milestones and partner contributions into the Agency's performance monitoring system. Greater success in the future will necessitate more measures than regulation, and our Transformation Strategy includes measures that promote the development of policies aimed at preventing environmental emergencies and improving communities' ability to respond to climate change impacts. The advancement of good environmental management and the mitigation of climate change impacts will be evidence-based and will involve greater international cooperation. This is a challenging but attainable transition that requires collaboration, cooperation, and participation from every Sierra Leonean, boundary, and development partner. The leadership, management, and staff of the Environment Protection Agency Ministry of Environment and Climate Change appreciate the #Sierra Leone government, #boundary partners, #development partners, #the media, #Civil Society Organizations, #Proponents, and the #Sierra Leone public for their contributions. We count on your support as we embark on an optimistic journey to create an eco-friendly and environmentally conscious future for Sierra Leone.


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