The house of happiness with the mayor of Freetown Yvonne Aki-Sawyerr

This morning I extended a warm welcome to representatives of the House Of Happiness Sierra Leone for discussions about tackling the current pervasive and destructive use of the illegal substance Kush. We talked about building an effective partnership and about strategies and solutions that are being implemented to tackle this crisis. Next steps for deepening collaboration were agreed on. The day continued with an inspiring courtesy call from the present Miss Sierra Leone. I wished her well as she prepared to travel to the Miss World Competition. Myself and FCC colleagues then met with the Minister of Environment, Hon Jiwoh Abdullai. We engaged in a fruitful dialogue about the current Transform Freetown initiatives to support environmental management and climate action and how these align with the Ministry’s national agenda. This meeting laid the groundwork for future collaboration between the Ministry of Environment and the Freetown City Council which will be beneficial to the protection of our natural environment. Next was a meeting with a visiting delegation from GOAL’s Dublin based International Board. It was a great opportunity to reflect on joint successes with GOAL such as the Kingtom Waste Water Treatment Project. We also looked forward to new collaborations, specifically the rehabilitation of at least two of the existing FCC transfer stations. I then presented certificates to the first and second cohort of the Women4Climate Freetown Mentorship Program 2023. It was great to recognise the efforts of incredible women who are committed to the fight against climate change. Each meeting today reaffirmed Freetown City Council’s commitment to working with others in our journey to Transform Freetown!


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