Some legendary African proverbs

of Some wise proverbs said by SAM DEDE in movies . - A river does not flow through a forest without bringing down trees . - The danger in hunting down evil is that you gradually become that which you seek to destroy . - An elephant cannot hide behind the shrubs . -. A child does challenges his father to a wrestling contest will have his father's lions covering his face . - The poison fanse of the snake cannot do any harm to the back of the tortoise . - Things are not always the way they appear on the surface, the guilty are usually the most innocent . - Those who hunger will surely get filled but the problem is they will get filled with what they hunger after . -. Do not be deceived by the fraile nature of amadioha's wife or you will be consumed by the volcano of her husband . -. Respect is earned by those who deserve it and not for saboteurs . -. When the fire does, the ashes remains to bare testimony of the flames . - When a bird becomes too big for it's cage, you let him go . - The lion and the lioness can never boastbif equal strength . The danger of creating a monster is that , one day it will against the master . - There are 2 recipes for success in life 1. Never divulge whatever you do to your wife 2. Never confide in a concubine . - Nothing is hidden under the sun , if the wind does not reveal , the rain will or the earth will throw it forth . - That you are the son of the lion doesn't mean that the claws of a lion cannot inflict wounds on you . - When ever you point a finger at someone always remember that three other fingers points back at you . - Greed is a seed planted by ambition, until it grows up to become powerful but you must know how to control ii, otherwise it will cvnsvme you . - Even if the mountain tumble into the sea, the truth will always be the truth . SAM DEDE one of the wisest and smartest Nollywood actors . King of proverbs . Legend . Live long sir and more grace 🙏 . Chinny Chylz


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